
vue3.0版本 photo-sphere-viewer使用


import { Viewer } from 'photo-sphere-viewer'
import 'photo-sphere-viewer/dist/photo-sphere-viewer.css'

psViewer.value = new Viewer({
    container: document.querySelector('#viewer'),
    panorama: imageRef.value.src



panorama 需要使用的图片地址. 1) 静态图片 使用 require(‘…文件路径’) 2) 外链图片 通过外链地址, 转canvas 读取 base64, 放入到img.src中, 然后在onload时, 调用new Viewer(), panorama 指向元素的src

Project setup

yarn install

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

yarn serve

Compiles and minifies for production

yarn build

Lints and fixes files

yarn lint   

Customize configuration

See Configuration Reference.